Episode 9: Classroom Essentials: Indigenous Peoples' Day with Katrina Phillips

Indigenous Peoples' Day – recognized on the second Monday in October – is a day to honor Native American people, their histories and their cultures. In this episode, Odia and Allison interview professor and author Katrina Phillips on how this holiday can be celebrated in all sorts of ways in the classroom.

GIVEAWAY: To enter for a chance to win one of five signed copies of “Indigenous Peoples’ Day,” email us at info@booksaregoodmedicine.com with the subject line, “Indigenous Peoples’ Day giveaway” by September 23. We will randomly select five winners and notify them via email.

Have questions or comments? Email us at info@booksaregoodmedicine.com.

This podcast is sponsored by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community and produced by Goff Public. Our theme music is “Stomp Dance” by Bluedog.


“Indigenous Peoples' Day” book: https://www.amazon.com/Indigenous-Peoples-Day-Traditions-Celebrations/dp/1663926344

“The Disastrous Wrangel Island Expedition”: https://www.amazon.com/Disastrous-Wrangel-Island-Expedition-Expeditions/dp/1666322369/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2U6AA35JDM3JF&keywords=the+disastrous+wrangel+island+expedition&qid=1648506423&s=books&sprefix=the+disastrous+wrangel+island+expedition%2Cstripbooks%2C71&sr=1-1

Indigenous Peoples: Women Who Made a Difference (Super SHEroes of History): https://www.amazon.com/Indigenous-Peoples-Super-SHEroes-History/dp/1338840738

YouTube: www.youtube.com/@BooksAreGoodMedicine

Instagram: www.instagram.com/booksaregoodmedicine/?hl=en


Episode 8: Author Talk: Children’s books with Tom Peacock and Betsy Albert-Peacock